About Us
The CINVU's History
Considering the necessity of creating appropriate grounds for supporting the development programs of education and research networks based on new information and telecommunication technologies and promoting the culture of participation and facilitating cooperation and strengthening relations and promoting the level of scientific, educational, research and technological cooperation and consensus among elites, thinkers and Scientists of Islamic Countries, the COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) was founded in January 2011.
The COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) is an international educational, research, knowledge-based, and technology network affiliated with the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH), which is hosted by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the idea of creating educational equity, CINVU is a base for expanding universal public education based on smart and online technology that by networking of capacities, uses the power of education, research, innovation, and technology, in line with the approach of helping to empower and advance the countries of the Islamic world.
Students, professors, universities and elites through this scientific and academic organization can offer educational, research, cultural and skill capabilities according to their interests and tendencies in various fields of science. In addition to providing access to useful resources, this international scientific and academic organization has made it possible to use the expertise and experience of other universities by providing a shared online environment.
The CINVU is a bridge between students, professors and universities with an approach of sharing information and resources and supporting online learning methods based on online technology, which is networked with virtual universities in the Islamic world and other countries, as well as continuous communication with twelve networks. COMSTECH has provided a rich platform for achieving the wise and prudent goals of pure Islam in the fields of science, culture, management, economics, medicine, energy, and so on.
Dr. Karim Najafi Barzegar from the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has been appointed as the CINVU's Secretary General. Viewing the image of the appointment order and international certificates of appreciation
Dr. Karim Najafi Barzegar from the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has been appointed as the CINVU's Secretary General. Viewing the image of the appointment order and international certificates of appreciation
The CINVU's Objectives
1. Creating and strengthening the concepts of quality and strategic management models in the field of higher education in the Islamic world, especially the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
2. Promoting the position and role of remote, virtual and intelligent universities in national and regional development programs in the Islamic world, especially the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
3. Providing the ground for joint cooperation to take advantage of the synergy between universities, scientific, cultural and research centers in the Islamic world, especially the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
4. Carrying out and presenting joint scientific, research, cultural, management projects inside and outside the network at all levels.
5. Improving the level of achievements of scientific and educational research in the Islamic world, especially the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
6. Development of knowledge network and knowledge-based research and prevention of brain drain.
7. Creating national and international markets to provide educational and research services to remote, virtual and intelligent universities by connecting and strengthening networks and covering underdeveloped Islamic countries.
The CINVU's Impact on the Islamic Countries Development
1. Improving the quality of culture, education, research, and technology in the Islamic world.
2. Increasing applicants for higher education and postgraduate education.
3. Accelerate the promotion of justice in the field of education, research, and technology.
4. Reducing the digital divide in Islamic countries.
5. Better understanding of different scientific and research capacities of countries and effective communication to solve fundamental problems in the Islamic world.
6. Easy and fast access to knowledge-based society and knowledge-based economy.
The CINVU's Membership Benefits
1. International accreditation and utilization of the capacities of the possibility of attracting and exchanging students, professors, researchers, faculty members and experts in order to improve the knowledge of researchers and transfer their specialized experiences in Islamic countries.
2. Supporting feasibility studies through SWOT analysis and other new methods in educational, research, technical, medical, industrial projects, start-up events, marketing markets and the establishment of smart universities in Islamic countries and members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
3. Supporting knowledge-based and rich applications in fields related to CINVU and the development of Islamic countries and awarding them with valid certificates.
4. Supporting specialized conferences, workshops and specialized training courses in the field of education system, skilled manpower as well as research mechanisms.
5. Utilizing the ranking and monitoring capacities of university rankings to provide comprehensive services to universities with capacity.
6. Using the facilities of the comprehensive system of providing services to students and professors of virtual universities in the Islamic world after the establishment of the system and in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank.
7. Utilizing the capacities of the network database in developing communication with virtual universities of the Islamic world and other countries with intelligent educational technology in the world to recognize the capacities and develop activities.
The CINVU's Tasks
1. Providing educational and research facilities in an intelligent space that have appropriate goals, choices and options for academic time, and by providing virtual capacity, can produce appropriate educational and research materials and optimal educational tools inside and outside the network.
2. Provide infrastructure for the production of web-based educational and research content such as audio and video products, multimedia, virtual laboratories for in-CINVU and out-of-CINVU collaboration.
3. Creating the ground for the transfer of existing experiences (information, human resources, etc.) in the field of educational technologies, research and technology of educational tools in Islamic member countries of the network and other networks.
4. Support feasibility studies through SWOT Pro analysis Educational, research and establishment of smart universities in Islamic countries and members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
5. Assist in the process of exchange of professors, students and experts in order to improve the knowledge of scientific and educational researchers and transfer their specialized experiences in Islamic countries and accept membership in virtual colleges and centers for promotion and becoming a virtual university.
6. Defining and supporting the system of intellectual and intellectual property of educational products and scientific contents and knowledge created in Islamic countries and members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
7. Supporting universities and traditional educational and research institutions if they wish to become virtual universities.
8. Supporting specialized conferences, workshops and specialized training courses in the field of education system, skilled manpower as well as research mechanisms.
9. Evaluation and validation of documents and certificates issued by virtual universities, colleges and centers of virtual education and training, continuous monitoring of the development and progress of virtual universities in Islamic countries and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with the aim of optimal educational and research cooperation.