CINVU Education Management
The CINVU International Organization Based on its Executive Structure under the Guidance of the Strategic and Executive Deputy Affairs is Led by Education Management, Research Management, IT Management, Financial Administrative Management, Legal Management, Public Relations Management, and Formalities Management.
Meanwhile, due to the Scientific and Academic Identity of the CINVU International Organization, the Education Management and the Research Management are Executive Managements of this Network that Play a Key Role in the Implementation of CINVU's Goals and Missions.
The CINVU Education Management Nature
This Management is Based on New Methods and Approaches to Education in the International Arena by Planning, Writing, and Implementing the CINVU International Organization's Action Plan in Education Management, which has been accepted by the Education Committee Members of this International Organization from the Islamic World Prestigious Universities, the Approach of Changing the Paradigm of Education by Going Through the Common Form of Education, Providing Interactive Education and Relying on Practical and Skill Education, Follows a Transformation in the Teaching Method and the Creation of an Accreditation System for Educational and Academic Certificates.
Currently, Dr. Ahmad Pourghasem Shadhei is the CINVU Education Director.
The CINVU Education Management Duties
1. Drawing the current and desired situation (identification, study, feasibility) in the field of implementation with the headquarters approach of this organization and determining the policies, guidelines, and strategic policies of network education with the approach of expanding graduate education courses and educational standardization in the international arena, especially in Islamic countries;
2. Planning for the provision of facilities and the allocation of the necessary credit for the scientific-educational interaction of the CINVU International Organization and the unification of the education culture;
3. Planning to improve the scientific-specialized skills of students, researchers, and professors and create a suitable environment in various fields of human sciences, technical engineering, medicine, etc.;
4. Educational planning of the network in line with the vision document, comprehensive international scientific and research map;
5. Evaluation and review of the current methods of education in virtual universities and the content of the headlines to update and improve the efficiency of university faculty members, enrichment, and value orientation, and provide the necessary proposal to the Strategic and Executive Deputy for planning in the Supreme Councils and the Executive Committee;
6. Continuous organization and follow-up of matters related to the production of efficient scientific content for virtual universities and special attention to the strategic organization of research and development affairs;
7. Designing and managing short-term and long-term specialized training courses and knowledge management for the network and other networks and paying attention to holding empowerment and knowledge-enhancing courses for university managers using modern smart technology tools;
8. Establishing effective communication with the coordination of the Executive Strategic Vice-Chancellor with the relevant vice-chancellors and educational departments in member countries' universities;
9. Defining the role and description of executive duties for educational centers (language, medicine and skills, etc.)
10. Accreditation of documents, certificates, and other matters related to the field of education in Islamic countries;
11. Participation and active participation in specialized, promotional, and administrative meetings related to the network and attracting maximum participation in the field of international academic education;
12. Continuous coordination with the Strategic and Executive Deputy and the Education Committee to implement and advance common goals and programs in the field of education in the Islamic world and provide regular reports to the organization;
13. Participation in providing suggestions and continuous advice regarding feasibility, commercial plans, analysis of the existing situation, and other requirements for the coordination of components for commercialization and knowledge-based plans;
14. Carrying out other assigned and related matters from the superior authority and presenting the performance report of the activities of the work area to them.
The CINVU Education Management Subcategory Centers
Language Training Center
Short-Term, Skill & Practical Training Center
Medical & Health Training Center
The CINVU Education Management Megaprojects
Based on the approach of the constitution and the comprehensive regulation of the cooperation of this network, the CINVU Education Management has already started the implementation of two fundamental megaprojects using the most up-to-date international educational standards, including the CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services under the name CEAQUALES and the CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Teachers’ Quality in Education Services under the name CEATQUALES.
Undoubtedly, the special position of this network in strengthening and international acceleration of educational, research, and knowledge-based activities in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation members will promise more dynamics of teaching, learning, and skill assessment in Islamic countries through the implementation of these programs.
CEAQUALS International Mechanism
CEATQUALES International Mechanism