CINVU | COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities
CINVU at a Glance

CINVU Research Management

The CINVU Based on its Executive Structure under the Guidance of the Strategic and Executive Deputy Affairs is Led by Education Management, Research Management, IT Management, Financial Administrative Management, Legal Management, Public Relations Management, and Formalities Management.

Meanwhile, due to the Scientific and Academic Identity of the CINVU, the Education Management and the Research Management are Executive Managements of this Network that Play a Key Role in the Implementation of CINVU's Goals and Missions.

The CINVU Research Management Nature

The CINVU Research Management, Organized by the Technology Research Projects Unit, the Knowledge-Based Research Projects Unit, the Applied Research Projects Unit, and the Assembly and Conference Affairs Unit, is the Arm of this Scientific Network in the Executive and Supervisory Role of the Research Field.

This Management is Based on New Methods and Approaches to Research in the International Arena by Planning, Writing, and Implementing the CINVU's Action Plan in the Research Management, which has been accepted by the Research Committee Members of this International Organization from the Islamic World Prestigious Universities, Follows the Approach of Changing the Research Paradigm to Deepen to a Common Form of Research.

Currently, Dr. Elham Gerami is the Head of the CINVU Research Director.

The CINVU Research Management Duties

1. Drawing the current and desired situation (identification, study, feasibility) in the field of implementation with the headquarters approach of this organization and determining the policies, guidelines, and strategic policies of network research with the approach of expanding the culture of strategic and applied research in Islamic countries;

2. Planning for the provision of facilities and the allocation of necessary credit for the scientific research interaction of the CINVU and unifying the culture of research;

3. Planning to improve the scientific research skills of students, researchers, and professors and create a suitable environment for scientific research cooperation;

4. Research planning of the network in line with the vision document, comprehensive international scientific and research map;

5. Evaluation and revision of the current practices in the production of the content of the headlines to update and improve the efficiency of university faculty members, enrichment, and value orientation, and to present the necessary proposal to the Strategic and Executive Deputy for planning in the Supreme Councils and the Executive Committee;

6. Defining the description of the duties and missions of the sub-category units and prioritizing innovation in the theoretical field and basic, applied, and strategic research required by the network members;

7. Developing, strengthening, and guiding the approved research plans with the priority of targeted applied research based on the vision document, development plans, and comprehensive scientific map;

8. Management in providing scientific, cultural, and social services and holding scientific seminars and conferences, free-thinking chairs and implementing all matters of research and service contracts and related memorandums between virtual universities of Islamic countries and other networks, as well as managing study opportunities for network elites;

9. Providing and producing digital content in the digital library system of virtual universities in Islamic countries along with creating a comprehensive database of top research professors, research activities, ongoing and completed projects in the fields of Quranic knowledge, Islamic and traditional medicine, natural energy and other priority needs;

10. Paying attention to the formation and support of scientific associations, entrepreneurship, and elite professors and students, and the establishment of desirable applied interdisciplinary courses in the universities of Islamic countries, and participation in providing suggestions and continuous advice regarding feasibility plans, commercialization of knowledge;

11. Designing a comprehensive system for the influence of faculty members of virtual universities in the production of science and printing and management of publications of scientific journals, scientific productions, (scientific, research, promotional articles, national and international conferences, conferences, authoring and anthology, book reviews, scientific festivals, cultural, artistic digitally and...);

12. Continuous coordination with the Strategic and Executive Deputy and the Research Committee to implement and advance common goals and programs in the field of research in the Islamic world and provide regular reports to the organization;

13. Carrying out other assigned and related matters from the superior authority and presenting the performance report of the activities of the work area to them.

The CINVU Research Management Subcategory Units

Technological Research Projects Unit

Knowledge-Based Research Projects Unit

Applied Research Projects Unit

Assemblies & Conferences Follow-Up Unit