CINVU Supreme Strategic Council Committees
In the Structure and the By-Law of the Comprehensive Cooperation of the CINVU Members, the Educational, Research, Cultural, Economic, Media, Development and Growth, IT and Startups Specialized Committees in the Supreme Strategic Council of this International Scientific and Academic Organization are Responsible for the Mission of Helping to Advance the Programs. Meanwhile, in Case of Necessity, in Order to Strengthen Other Activities, the Formation of Specialized Committees is also Foreseen.
Based on the Seventh Paragraph of the Definitions of the Terms used in the By-Law of the Comprehensive Cooperation of the CINVU Members, the Specialized Committees of the Supreme Strategic Council of this International Scientific and Academic Organization, are Responsible for Reviewing and Approving Network Programs in the Process of Educational, Research, Cultural, Social, Student Cooperation, Commercialization of Knowledge, Issuance of Licenses and and Other Important Issues that have a Decisive Role.
The CINVU Supreme Strategic Council Committees of have Special Duties, Missions and Functions that are Mentioned in the Special Pages of each Committee.
Education Committee
Research Committee